about this MIDB
List of discase
List of disease
Early Gastrointestin...
Early colorectal cancer ( including appendix )
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-I
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-Ip
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-Isp
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-Is
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-I+IIa
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIa
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIa+I
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIa+IIc
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIa aggregated type
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIb
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIb+IIa
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIb+IIc
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIc
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIc+IIa
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIc+IIb
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-IIc+III
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-III
Early colorectal cancer / Type 0-III+IIc
Early colorectal cancer / Other