
■Detailed data
Sex male
Age 75-79
Misc 1995-1999
Chief Complaint Fatigue and lymphadenopathy.
Past history Nothing in particular.
Present history Cervical,axillary, groin ,femoral and mediastinal adenopathies were found.
Splenohepatomegaly was found.
Laboratory findings WBC 9.8×10³/μl (St-Seg66.0, Ly24.0, Eo2.0, Ab.ly4.0%)
RBC 4.81×106/μl、Hb 12.5g/dl、
Ht 40.8%、MCV 84.8fl、MCH 26.0pg、MCHC 30.6%、PLT 16.3×104/μl、
NCC 8.6×104/μl、Mgk 6.25/μl (Ab.ly26.0%)、LD 1,585IU/l、TP 5.7g/dl、
CRP 1.57mg/dl、BUN 12.5mg/dl、UA 6.8mg/dl、
Ca 8.4mg/dl、AST 61IU/l、ALT 24IU/l