
■Detailed data
FAB Group > Chronic (mature) lym... > T-cell lymphoma > Adult T cell leukemi...
Sex female
Age 35-39
Misc 2000-2004
Chief Complaint Lymphadenopathy, exanthem and
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history About 8 months ago, she was diagnosed with (acute) ATL/L in the hematology special facility. During a PR-follow with modified LSG15, she was referred to this hospital for treatment.
Laboratory findings 【Findings at the time of treatment】
WBC 20.5×10³/μl (Ab.ly26.0%)、RBC4.09×106/μl、Hb 12.4g/dl、
Ht 37.2%、PLT 22.4×104/μl、
MCV 90.9fl、MCH 30.3pg、MCHC 33.3%、
NCC 4.5×104/μl、MgK 25.0/μl (Ab.ly78.0%)、TP 6.4g/dl、LD 335IU/l、Ca 12.6mg/dl