
■Detailed data
Sex male
Age 70-74
Misc 2000-2004
Chief Complaint Fever onset and lymadenopathy.
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history A chest X-ray revealed pleural effusion and the he was hospitalized. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed X-P and splenohepatomegaly.
Laboratory findings WBC 9.3×10³/μl (St-Seg67, Ly25, M03, Ab.ly5%)
RBC 2.58×106/μl、Hb 7.7g/dl、
Ht 23.5%、PLT 8.2×104/μl
MCV 91.0fl、MCH 29.8pg、MCHC 32.7%、
NCC 26.5×104/μl、MgK 12.5/μl (Ab.ly65%)、
LD 600IU/l、TP 5.8g/dl、BUN 22.0mg/dl、
Cre 0.98mg/dl、AST 26IU/l、ALT 25IU/l、
anti HTLV-1 antibody(-)