
■Detailed data
Sex male
Age 05-09
Misc 1995-1999
Chief Complaint Melosalgia and difficulty walking.
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history The walking difficulty wasdue to melosalgia of the ambilateral legs (inside of the knee regions, ambilateral thighs, ambilateral hip region). A slight fever was noted and the patient was hospitalized for further tests.
Laboratory findings WBC 8.36×10³/μl (St-Seg59, Ly33, Mo5, Eo3%)
RBC 4.01×106/μl、Hb 10.8g/dl、
Ht 33.1%、PLT 20.1×104/μl、
MCV 82.5fl、MCH 26.9pg、MCHC 32.6%、
NCC 22.6×104/μl、MgK 31.25/μl (Tumor cell +)、LD 425IU/l、CRP 8.4mg/dl、
ASO 180IU/ml、TP 9.0g/dl、
Vanilly mandelic acid, urine 42.6mg/l、Homovanilic acid, urine 21.8mg/l、
NSE 261ng/ml (0~10ng/ml)