
■Detailed data
Sex male
Age 50-54
Misc 2000-2004
Chief Complaint Lumbar backpain.
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history He complained of lumber back pain and hemograms revealed leukoerythroblastosis. He was hospitalized for further tests.
Laboratory findings WBC 5.44×10³/μl (Blast1, My~Met5, St-Seg75%,
RBC 3.72×106/μl、Hb 12.4g/dl、
Ht 33.4%、PLT 5.5×104/μl、
MCV 97.8fl、MCH 33.3pg、MCHC 37.1%、
NCC 15.9×104/μl、MgK 31.25/μl (Unknown cell(+))、LD 936IU/l