
■Detailed data
Sex male
Age 75-79
Misc 2000-2004
Chief Complaint Slight fever, fatigue and anorexia.
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history The patient presented with fatigue and anorexia. Anemia was found, hemograms revealed 15% of blast cells and he was admitted into this hospital.
Laboratory findings WBC 2.5×10³/μl(Blast15%)
RBC 2.04×106/μl、Hb 7.4g/dl、
Ht 22.3%、 MCV 109.3fl、MCH 36.2pg、MCHC 33.2%、PLT 22.3×104/μl、
NCC 70.3×104/μl、MgK 91/μl(blast60.2%, Ebl.2/100w)
PT 72.1%、APTT 34.2sec、Fibg 324mg/dl、
D-dimer 1.2μg/ml、TP 7.5g/dl, AST 14IU/l,
ALT 10IU/l, BUN 16.0mg/dl