
■Detailed data
FAB Group > Others
Sex male
Age 10-14
Misc 2000-2004
Chief Complaint Fever and tendency to bleeding.
Past history Nothing in particular.
Present history He was referred because of fever, bleeding diathesis and paleness. An injury one monthe earlier had revealed the bleeding diathesis.
Three weeks after his injury he consulted a g.p., when he became pale and developed a fever.He was admitted to the hospital due to severe anemia, mild hepatosplenomegaly, fever (38℃) and petechiae.
Laboratory findings WBC 115.8×10³/μl (Blast72%)
RBC 1.56×106/μl、Hb 5.4g/dl、
Ht 15.4%、PLT 2.1×104/μl
MCV 98.7fl、MCH 34.6pg、MCHC 35.0%、
NCC 38.8×104/μl、MgK 0/μl (Blast81%)