
■Detailed data
Sex female
Age 75-79
Misc 2000-2004
Chief Complaint Leukocytosis.
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history An increase of neutrophilic leukocytes was found with leukocytosis and the patient was admitted to this hospital for further tests.
Laboratory findings WBC 52.0×10³/μl (Promy1, My3, Met2, St6, Seg86, Ly2%)
RBC 5.42×106/μl、Hb 12.5g/dl、
Ht 40.7%、MCV 75.0fl、MCH 23.0pg、MCHC 30.7%、PLT 14.5×104/μl、
NCC 40.6×104/μl、MgK 156.25/μl (Blast3.0%)、LD 424IU/l、UA 8.6mg/dl、
lyzozyme(serum) 72.3μg/ml、VB12 6,100pg/dl