
■Detailed data
FAB Group > Chronic (mature) lym... > B-cell lymphoma > intermediate lymphoc...
Sex male
Age 55-59
Misc 1995-1999
Chief Complaint Fatigue and Leukocytosis.
Past history Myocardiapathy.
Present history He was hospitalized due toeukocytosis and pathologic lymph nodes were found. Adenopathies (Cervical、groin and others) and blood spots were observed.
Laboratory findings WBC 11.5×10³/μl (St-Seg72, Ly16, Mo4, Eo3, Blast5%)
RBC 4.52×106/μl、Hb 11.8g/dl、
Ht 40.6%、PLT 2.2×104/μl、
MCV 89.8fl、MCH 26.1pg、MCHC 29.1%、
NCC 6.9×104/μl、MgK 12.5/μl (Blastoid cell 14%)、LD 906IU/l、CRP 10.8mg/dl、TP 6.2g/dl、BUN 5.4mg/dl
AST 25IU/l、ALT 10IU/l、UA 9.6mg/dl、Ca 8.5mg/dl