
■Detailed data
Sex male
Age 40-44
Misc 1995-1999
Chief Complaint Persistent cough.
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history He went to the hospital because of a persistent cough. His chest X-ray film showed an abnormal shadow and his sputum cytology revealed malignant cells. The bone marrow was examined to explore the cancer invasion to the bone marrow.
Laboratory findings WBC 5.1×10³/μl (St5, Seg53, Ly32, Mo6, Ba1, Eo3%, Unknown cell(+))
RBC 4.19×106/μl、Hb 13.7g/dl、
Ht 40.0%、PLT 10.1×104/μl
MCV 95.5fl、MCH 32.7pg、MCHC 34.2%、
NCC 4×104/μl (Unknown cell +)