
■Detailed data
FAB Group > Acute myeloid leukem... > Myeloblastic leukemi...
Sex female
Age 05-09
Misc 2000-2004
Chief Complaint Fever and epistaxis.
Past history Stridor had occurred in association with common colds since the patient was 3 years old.
Present history Six months ago, the patient had a fever which was resolved in one day, but experienced continued fatigue. After one week, a cough, nasal discharge were noted and family doctor prescribed a cold remedy. Three days later, the patient experienced epistaxis and the bleeding could not be controlled for two hours. A blood test revealed leukocytosis, anemia, and thrombopenia and the patient was referred to the previous doctor. Blast cells were found in peripheral blood and she was hospitalized. Cervical lymphadenopathy (+), Splenohepatomegaly(-).
Laboratory findings WBC 44.07×10³/μl
RBC 2.66×106/μl、Hb 8.5g/dl、
Ht 24.1%、MCV 90.6fl、MCH 31.9pg、MCHC 35.2%、PLT 8.7×104/μl、
NCC 26.5×104/μl、Mgk 31.25/μl (Blast80.6.0%)、LD 1604IU/l、TP 7.7g/dl、
CRP 0.17mg/dl、BUN 11.8mg/dl、UA 3.6mg/dl、
AST 27IU/l、ALT 15IU/L、PT 69%、APTT 31.4sec、Fbg 520mg/dl、FDP 5.85ng/ml、D-dimer 2.58ng/ml