
■Detailed data
FAB Group > Acute myeloid leukem... > Myelomonocytic leuke...
Sex male
Age 60-64
Misc 2005-2009
Chief Complaint Fever.
Past history Nothing particular.
Present history The patient has had a continuous fever for about one month and leukocytosis was noted in another hospital. He was referred and admitted to this hospital for further testing.
splenohepatomegaly(found), adenopathy(found), DIC(found).
Laboratory findings WBC 305×10³/μl (Blast29%, Mo23%)
RBC 4.02×106/μl、Hb 12.9g/dl、
Ht 35.5%、PLT 9.5×104/μl
MCV 88.3fl、MCH 32.0pg、MCHC 36.3%、
NCC 46.8×104/μl、MgK 0/μl (Blast31%)
LD 2,840IU/l