
■Detailed data
Sex female
Age 70-74
Misc 2010-2014
Chief Complaint Genaral fatigue
Past history At the age of 70: pigmented villonodular synovitis right knee
Present history Was pointed out (Hb 7.0g/dl) anemia nearby hospital in pigmented villonodular synovitis right knee nearly two years ago. About a year after bone marrow examination was performed because of an increase in (75x104/μl) marked increase in platelets. Bone marrow was diagnosed with MDS-RAEB Ⅰ was observed for 7.0% blasts in hyperplasia. Chromosome were normal. Then, was admitted to our hospital because referral was anemia progresses(Hb 6.4g/dl) and the mainly neutrophils rose to (5.0x104/μl) in leukocytes.
Laboratory findings WBC51.2×10³/μl(Blast3, My3, St5, Seg70, Ly19%, Ebl.1/100w)、RBC3.08×106/μl、Hb8.6g/dl、Ht29.1%、MCV94.4fl、MCH27.9pg、MCHC29.6%、PLT12.5×104/μl、NAP-score 57 、NCC53.4×104/μl、Mgk250/μl、TP7.6g/dl、BUN16.2mg/dl、T-bil 0.6mg/dl、UA8.2mg/dl、AST26IU/l、ALT20IU/l、LDH640IU/l、VB12 6,220pg/ml、Folic acid 5.4ng/ml、Fe162μg/dl、CRP0.56mg/dl、IgG1,860mg/dl、IgA143mg/dl